If our research is to support social care to do things differently and better, then our findings need to be translated into actions
Our strategy for impact focuses on developing strong partnerships and fostering relationships with networks of stakeholders throughout the study in order to exchange ideas and facilitate shared learning to increase potential for influence and impact.
SASCI's public and involvement and engagement strategy can be read HERE​​
We developed partnerships with carer/public representatives and other adult social care stakeholders and are working with them to design and choose the focus of the study and develop recommendations. These relationships are likely to endure beyond the project to inform future research.
Throughout the study we engaged with a wider group of stakeholders, including more people who draw on services and carers, to shape the direction of the research, help us to understand findings and communicate them.
Shaping the future of social care: empowering innovation, and innovators
Wednesday 2 October 2024, 10.00–17.00
Coin Street, London
An exciting event to share lessons from five years of research and bring the sector together to set an agenda for empowering innovation. The event will:
Share and develop latest knowledge and learning about innovation in adult social care,
Celebrate everyone who contributed to the project,
Start conversations and support people involved in innovating in adult social care to make connections, share their views and build relationships.
Chaired by Dez Holmes and Sir David Behan and hosted in partnership with Research in Practice and Social Finance, the day will include panel sessions where we will hear from the research team and sector experts about how to empower innovation. There will also be roundtable sessions and workshops where we will delve into topics in more detail and share practical lessons and actionable insights about what works for empowering innovators. The programme also includes lunch and networking opportunities.
The full programme for the day is available HERE. It includes details of breakout sessions so you can start thinking about which discussions you would like to join.
We will be in touch with registrants via email about signing up for breakout sessions.