Our study is made up of six workpackages shaped by conversations with stakeholders:
Conceptualise the innovation process in adult social care and describe its main features, by reviewing the theoretical literature around innovation, interviewing and holding workshops with stakeholders.
Co-develop the research agenda with partners and stakeholders, to look at what is important for the people trying to put in place innovations.
Consultation with stakeholders.
Case studies of adult social care innovations using qualitative methods to build evidence about why and how adult social care innovations are developed and implemented. The case studies will trace the innovation process backwards and follow it forwards in time to explore processes of spread between individuals and organisations.
Discussion with stakeholders in WP1 to guide the choice of innovations to study.
Investigate support for innovating in adult social care, describing the range of support available, its main features and experiences of delivering and using it.
Interview and hold workshops with stakeholders.
Hold witness seminars to explore why and how past adult social care innovations were developed, implemented and spread, by collecting oral testimony from people involved in the innovation process.
Look at innovations that are now part of mainstream practice and those that were short-lived or overtaken by other events.
Conduct a survey to describe the extent and range of innovations in adult social care and knowledge about support for innovating in adult social care.
Collect data on the capacity and conditions for innovation in the sector to explore the relationship between these aspects and the extent of innovation in adult social care.